TLSyphonViewer is an iOS software. This software can receive data from TCPSyphon Server via WiFi. so you can show your visualization by iPhone or iPad. How many can we handle iPhones? it's depend on your sender machine's power and network condition. Of course You can choose TCPSyphon Server by simple UI if many TCPSyphon Server are launched.
TCPSyphon is created by TECHLIFE SG Pte.Ltd.

[Just do-013] TLSyphonViewer for iOS from techlife on Vimeo.

Product requirements

  • OS: iOS7.1 or later. iPhone or iPad, This app is optimized for iPhone5.
  • Network: recommended, WiFi connection with 801.11n 5GHz
  • Framerate: depends on network bandwidth and image quality
  • Attention about Battery and Overheating problem.


  • TLSyphonViewer:

About version 1.00

  • Quick-build release

Select TCPSyphon Server